Chapter 5

He Turns the Heart


The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord;

He turns it wherever He wishes.

—Proverbs 21:1

Has everyone told you that your son or daughter or husband has his or her own will and therefore he or she may “choose” not to give up a habit, return home or be reconciled to you? When trying to restore your relationship you will be bombarded by the onslaught of those well-meaning individuals who love to tell you that it is a person’s “choice” and his or her own “free will” to choose to leave you or to live with someone else—but, praise the Lord, their will is not what’s important.

Man’s will in not what matters. “man’s will” versus “God’s will”—I found the truth! I found that the Bible continually referred to “God’s will” without mentioning man’s will even once

It’s not “man’s will” but “God’s will” that matters!! Since throughout Scripture it tells us that “He does His will . . .” (Dan. 4:31).

Consider Nebuchadnezzar. After his pride caused him to crawl like an animal, Nebuchadnezzar said of God, “He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’” (Dan. 4:35). Is this the same God who still does according to His will or is your husband, son, or daughter (or father, mother, boss, best friend, coworker or neighbor) greater than King Nebuchadnezzar and God’s power?

Consider also Jonah. Jonah, like Nebuchadnezzar, was unwilling to do what God wanted him to do, but God made him willing. “And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights” (Jonah 1:17). God is more than able to make anyone, even you, willing to do what He wants—just give it to God and watch Him work on your behalf!!

Lastly, consider Paul. “Now Saul, [was] still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord. . . . Suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him . . . and Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing . . . ‘The Lord Jesus . . . has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’ And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he regained his sight, and he arose and was baptized” (Acts 9:1–18).

Turning the Heart

Now let’s get down deeper into the truth. You will hear pastors and other Christians say that it is your husband’s “will” to leave you, divorce you, or be with another woman. They will argue that it is your son or daughter’s “will” to take drugs or live in immorality, and that God will not violate that “will.” However, you and I just read in Scripture that it is not man’s will but God’s will.

God will give anyone a new heart and replace his or her heart of stone with a heart of flesh—just believe and it will happen! “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and it will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezek. 36:26).

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4).

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it” (Ps. 37:5).

Remember, you need to put God first in your life; He never wants to be second place to anything or anyone. Once He is first, you will begin to be transformed into His image. That is when you will begin to see that heart of stone of your loved one turning back to you.

Read Proverbs every day for a daily dose of wisdom that you really need! Proverbs 1:2–7 lists its benefits.

A gentle and quiet spirit, and a woman who smiles at the future (no matter what is coming against her) is an irresistible magnet. “Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5). This was proven true a thousand times over (since God had so radically changed me) when my husband left the second time. 

God has promised to heal, restore, and create praise on your lips! “’Because of the iniquity of his unjust gain I was angry and struck him; I hid My face and was angry, and he went on turning away, in the way of his heart. I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him and to his mourners, creating the praise of the lips. Peace, peace to him who is far and to him who is near,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will heal him’” (Isa. 57:17–19).

“For perhaps he was for this reason parted from you for a while, that you should have him back forever, no longer as a slave [of sin], but more than a slave, a beloved brother, especially to me, but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord” (Philem. 1:15–16).

Seek the Lord to break, change, and transform you; first, so that when (not if) God turns your husband’s, son’s, or daughter’s heart, he or she will see a new you—a woman ready to embrace and be restored to! (Please read A Wise Woman or A Wise Man for more help that is available to read online at and 

Nothing is impossible for God!

The Lord turns the heart wherever He wishes!