Highlights of Chapter 12

Hot Pursuit


“She will pursue her lovers,

 But she will not overtake them…”

—Hosea 2:7

Since pursuing those we love is an obsession for many women, this chapter will continue on with the hope that what I share with you will help to put to rest the pressing feeling that you must continue to pursue those whom have chosen to leave you or have cut off communication with you.

When you are rejected, whether you did anything or not, give it all to God and tell Him that if you are supposed repent, for Him to orchestrate it so that they will call you! 

When you can just give it all to God, and wrap yourself in His love, you no longer are needy. Needy people are a “set up” for rejection, abuse, and all sorts of horrible things; did you know that? Really? Then stop reading for a minute and think about the “neediest” people you know and how they actually set themselves up for rejection. See what I mean?
