Do you love someone who struggles with drug use? Are you someone who knows this hurt? Are you depressed and doubting God’s ability to heal your addicted loved one? I understand your pain. I, too, have felt hopeless while caught in the middle of the addiction of another.

God wants to give us an abundant life and because of Christ’s sacrifice and power to overcome death we have been given the advantage over our enemy. Healing is possible, because with God anything is possible!  

I ask you, Father, to rebuke and bind Satan in the name and through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask you to build a hedge of thorns around my loved one so that anyone or anything who is interested in him will lose interest and leave. I base my prayer on the command of Your Word, which says, ‘What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.’ I thank you, Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen.

Lord, I know that you know everything and you see the strongholds concerning my loved one and his/her addiction. Your Word says that before you formed him/her in the womb, you knew them. Lord, you know the plans you have for them, plans for goodness and not harm, plans for hope and a future. Lord, I pray that you would heal him/her, restore them to full health so that he/her may be an example of you. Renew in them the strength to be sober throughout life’s trials and difficulties. Amen. 

God, you said that a prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. I am praying to you in faith. I trust in you and am confident in your power to heal my loved one from this sin. I know that you will restore him/her to health and cure them of this unhealthy desire. I believe that you will answer my prayer and heal him/her from this sickness. Amen.